What Do Unicorns Symbolise?

What Do Unicorns Symbolise?
About Dreaming Unicorns   March 14, 2020 — Dreaming Unicorns

Like all the other magical and mythological creatures out there, unicorns too are accompanied by symbols and interpretations that only add to their mystery and magical powers. In a world where magic is harder to find, unicorns arrive graciously to brighten our days and make us believe once more. Often, unicorns are associated with magic, purity, innocence, and freedom, fantastical creatures that fascinate and mesmerizes. We often see them pictured in enchanted forests, surrounded by a mystical aura and wrapped in serenity and peacefulness.

Unicorns inspire joy, tranquility, and hope, captivating people since the beginning of time. They are fairies in fairy tales, mystical beings in poems, and magical creatures in movies! Both the young and the old adore them and turn them into their lucky charms and inspiring muses. Unicorns are always associated with positivity and hope and are often considered to be protectors and omens.

A symbol of enchantment and miracles, unicorns are also associated with the feminine and the Moon. However, due to their strength and majestic presence, they have often been illustrated on various coats of arms and heraldic badges. The one great power of unicorns is they can metamorphosis into anything you want them to be – your friend, your protector, your muse, your fairy, your lucky charm!