Hang On, What Do Unicorns Eat?

Hang On, What Do Unicorns Eat?
About Dreaming Unicorns   January 4, 2020 — Dreaming Unicorns

Well, this is a smart and very pertinent question to ask about unicorns! What does a unicorn eat indeed? If you think about it, unicorns are horses. Magical horses, yes, but horses nonetheless. This means that a unicorn eats hay, grass, leaves, and also flowers. Some may even eat oats and fruits. Their diet depends mostly on their habitat and what they can find at hand. However, this is not all they eat.

Due to their magical characteristics, unicorns also eat food that you might like. They absolutely love to eat candy corn that grows on rainbows, ice cream, chocolate, candies, and all the other sweet treats you love to eat too. So, if you meet a unicorn and have something sweet in your pocket, don’t hesitate to hand it to them. They will love you for it! Unicorns eat pretty much anything you can think of, but they probably aren’t big fans of kale because let’s be serious, no one actually likes kale. Nevertheless, they do love a good portion of broccoli and other vegetables. How do you think they get their super-strength? Green-leafed vegetables!

Do unicorns eat rainbows? Some say they eat rainbows, but considering that rainbows are mainly water, they certainly can’t live only on rainbows. However, why would a unicorn eat rainbows when they’re so pretty? We bet they just admire the rainbows like we do while eating a big bowl of popcorn or jelly beans. Just a guess!